Monday, August 26, 2013

I'm delightfully slow at this, right?

For someone who can talk a lot, I certainly can't blog a lot.

I do have opinions and ideas, obviously.. I AM human.  But I so rarely feel the need to express them in anything more than a Facebook post.  Right now I can blame it on pregnancy brain, but if this were the 90s I would run out and buy a bottle of Ginkgo to help me focus.

I think what I'd like to do is start small.  My plan is to take 30 minutes at the end of the day and share, at first.  Maybe after a couple of weeks of focus like that, I'll have a better idea of what I'm trying to do here.  For now, this will probably be a bit scatterbrained.

We moved across country a few of months ago, and as soon as we were 2000 miles from family, discovered I was pregnant.  Is it strange that I'm not nearly as worried about having this baby without all the local help and support as I am about our first Idaho winter?

Honestly, I was relieved.  My family is small, and my parents both settled far from their families.  My husband, however, lived within 45 minutes of almost everyone he's related to.  I think subconsciously I always felt like we would never really be able to be our own family as long as we were surrounded by his.

There was also a toxic element to his group of friends that I'm really glad to have escaped.  Every relationship has that one friend (or two or three?) with the "Your spouse is all that is wrong in this world" personality, right?  Ours has survived him, but I can't deny that I'm glad we're no longer within driving distance.  My husband just got back from a trip home to hang out with all those friends he misses so much, so these thoughts are all forefront in my head.
This isn't actually meant to be a bitchy post, so I'll save those fun stories for later.

The sun is getting brighter, my daughter is asking for pancakes, and we have a nice day beckoning.  I hope yours is, too!

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